Thursday, December 5, 2013

Is Hair Loss Inherited?

The hair growth after the hair transplant is very slow in the beginning. In many cases it will be negligible in the beginning. This is due to the fact that the new grafts have to acclimatize with the new region in which they are planted moreover they have to extend their roots into the scalp as well as the recipient region. In the first few months the doctors advise the patients to take special care of the new grafts as they are still trying to acclimatize to the new environment. 
There are some common tips to take care of your hair on daily basis. It is not a rocket science, rather it is just some very basic do it yourself tips. Avoid using broken comb to comb your hair. The broken comb might have a sharp blade which can both damage your hair from root to tip and it can also injure the scalp which if not treated properly can lead to the infection of the scalp with the skin dwelling pathogens.

One should use their own brush or comb. These things should not be exchanged or shared at any cost. Because sharing one’s comb or brush can lead to scalp and hair diseases which include the mysterious baldness disease and various fungal/bacterial infections. In summers, use cold water to wash your hair because it will help your scalp to open up the closed pores and hence the shampoo or cleanser will work effectively. In case of winters, try to wash the hair with lukewarm water because it does the same in winters i.e. opens up the closed pores for better cleansing and decontamination of the scalp. At any cost, do not wash hair with the warm water. 
Warm water leaves the pores highly vulnerable to infection as it creates the ideal atmosphere and temperature for the infections and dandruff to gather around. Dandruff gets permanent if hair is washed regularly with the hot water. 
Applying a little bit oil to the palms and then massaging to the scalp can help. It nourishes the roots of the hair making them stronger and looks healthy. For this purpose try using the original coconut or olive oil. Do not go for the market products because they are not that natural and they have a lot of chemicals and harmful additives in them. If the dandruff problem persists and gets serious there is a solution to that. 

Get some vinegar and add in it a few drops of the lemon juice. This will for sure solve the problem of weak roots and the problem of dandruff will be eliminated permanently. There is another very serious yet very inconspicuous problem that leads to a lot of hair problems and hair loss. These include stress and tensions. Taking a lot of stress causes the scalp to become weak, ultimately leading to hair loss. This problem can be overcome by being happy and doing things that one likes.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Hair Surgery

Hair surgery is the greatest ploy for growing lost natural fur and something must always go to find the best physician for such purpose. Dr. Sajjad khan continues to be serving his area for age range and is among the most dependable and skilled person with the objective. He's the option of both common people and Bollywood stars.

Everyone knows the significance of fur because they lead hugely in improving one’s looks.  Bald people always are afflicted by insufficient confidence which subject these to issues like stress and self isolation from social circles. Hair loss isn't something that's restricted to a particular class or group as it can certainly strike anyone and you will be amazed to understand that lots of Bollywood stars that you are interested in have undergone hair transplantations simply because they went bald. A few of the well-known names who have undergone such methods include Sanjay kapoor, Aditya panjol and Abhejieet.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Presently How Many Techniques Are Available For Hair Transplant?

Hair are precious. No one wants to lose them. But as we age, we lose our hair and along with that we
lose our good looks. It is really amazing how our hair can change our look. We cannot fight the course of the nature but we can take measures of our own. You can take a good hair transplant results  and get your hair back. Do not worry it is not risky at all,
plus you have a lot of choice. Right now, there are four types of Hair Transplant techniques. Let us take a look at them one at a time.

Mini Micrografting

It is very much like the FUE method. In this process you will undergo a surgery in which your doctor will
use the multi blade knife (common with these procedures); he will cut very thin strips of tissues from
your scalp. These strips are cut into smaller sections. This process will be done under the naked eye, and
your surgeon will be guessing the size of these tissues. Your surgery will be quick and you will not need
many sessions. The staff will be small and it is cheaper than the rest of the procedures. But you will take
your time to heal.

FUE is most commonly known as Follicular Unit Extraction. This is one of the best hair restoration techniques. The good thing about this technique is that you will not need any incision at all. During this
procedure your follicles are harvest from your own donor area, the doctor will use a puck to take your tissue and you will have only a very small mark. The punch will take a circle out of your head and use it
on your bald patches.

Strip Incision

Now this one here is the conventional hair loss treatment . It is pretty much the same, your doctor
is going to take for a surgery and he will cut out a strip of tissue from your donor area. Then the doctor
will take out the hair follicles from that strip and plant it the bald patch. The good thing about this is that
you will not have any scars on your head, even small ones. Your hair strip will be taken away under the
eye of a microscope. Your doctor will dissect the hair then add them to your bald area.

FUT or Follicular Unit Transplant is another very famous procedure. In this procedure your bald patch
will receive a full hair patch from your donor area. Your scalp will be numbed and you will have your
head under the microscope. Your doctor will take a patch out of your head with the help of microscope.
Then the doctor will dissect that one particular strip into many. You will then have small holes in your
head and your follicles will be then inserted into them. If you are going to go for this particular type of
procedure then make sure that your doctor has a lot of experience in this surgery.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Hair transplant results and transplantation by Dr. Sajjad Khan

Sanjay Kapoor hair transplant results from Dr Sajjad Khan is not the first stunning display of the skills that doctor Sajjad possesses as he has been in the field for many years and, the results of his amazing surgeries have always made headlines.
The adverse changes in the global environmental condition which are contaminating both air and water, and the bad diet of the modern man are causing them to be a subject of hair loss. People facing such issues do not take proper care of their diet and hygiene which is one cause of hair loss. The other thing is the hereditary factor as many face such issues because they have inherited baldness. Though hair loss can be stopped or reduced to an extent but for some people, baldness is inevitable and the best resort available to them is transplantation surgeries.
Dr. Sajjad Khan, who has the directorship of the prestigious hair transplant institute known as ILHT, is the obvious choice for those who want a successful surgery without any risk. Bollywood stars like Sanjay Kapoor were well aware of this fact and have got the fruitful return of hiring Dr. Khan for their surgery and that shows in the thick and dark hair which they have restored. The surgery can make you look 10 years younger. So don’t waste the joyous moments of your life because of lack of confidence, and rush to Dr. Sajjad Khan for reviving your smile.