Friday, June 17, 2016

Latest Technologies in Hair Transplant

Facing hair loss issue is not limited to any region, country, cast, or gender; rather it is one of the universal problems the world is suffering from.  Since hair loss has become a common phenomenon and a large number of people around the world suffer from it, science has discovered many effective methods to deal to restore the lost hair.  
Today, there are plenty of advanced technologies used for hair transplant of men and women both. These technologies take little time and potentially help to combat hair loss. Some of the most advanced and successful treatments are given below:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) Hair Transplant:

FUE hair transplant is one of the latest and successful methods of today and a large number of people have been treated successfully through this method during some past years.  In this technology, follicular units are extracted from that part where there is hair and then the units are planted in the recipient area where there is hair loss problem to restore hair.  The donor areas face no side effects or visible scars and the recipient area tends to restore hair successfully. Though this type of surgery takes many hours to complete, the results are quite adequate and satisfactory.  

NewGraft Restoration:

NewGraft restoration is also the advanced form of FUE hair transplant. In NewGraft, the process of extracting and planting follicular units is automated. By doing this, the process becomes more easy, comfortable, timesaving, and lesser traumatic harvest. To make this automatic process successful, a tiny surgical pouch is used to extract follicular units.  During the whole process of this hair transplant surgery, the patient is able to listen to music, talk with people, drink and eat anything, and perform other activities.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP):

PRP treatment is one of the advanced treatments of hair transplant.  In this technology,               autologous blood is taken from the patient’s body and then injected to bald parts of the scalp. By doing this, regeneration of tissues is occurred resulting restoring of hair on bald parts of the scalp. This type of treatment is done automatically and manually both but the manually treatment has been more successful than the automatic one because automatic treatments always have some side effects and risks.

Since science has no end and it advances with the passage of time, more and more studies are being done on this particular area of work to make it possible that every person on this earth can experience the beauty of hair and live with style.