Tuesday, December 23, 2014

What things and instruction are necessary, if you are going for your Hair Transplant?

You will have been given a complete list of instructions to follow before your hair surgery. These instructions may vary according to the kind of procedure, e.g. follicular unit transplantation (FUT) but whatever type they take they must be adhered to.

The important instructions are mentioned below;
You have to discontinue smoking at least 24 hours before surgery. Smoking can influence injury healing process and also affects your scalp improvement so stop or if you are unable to then put it temporarily on hold until after your surgery.

Don’t drink or use any kind of liquor in the three days before your surgery.

Don’t go for any kind of hair cut before your surgery. It is essential to let the donor area grow so that there is adequate for the transplant. Plus it will help to hide the stitches.
Start massaging your scalp daily about a month or two weeks before your surgery. And make sure you should do this for at least 10 minutes per day or a maximum of 30 minutes if possible. This will assist to soften the scalp and improve the blood flow in that area.

Don’t use any kind of anti-depressing tablets two weeks before surgery. Your doctor will give you with a list of what medications you can and cannot take before surgery.

If you are above 45 then you have to show your blood tests and an ECG reports to your surgeon before transplantation.

Don’t take any kind of steroids/multivitamins or herbal supplement two weeks before hair transplant surgery.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Important Factors of Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern baldness, also sometimes known as, androgenic alopecia, is hair loss starting from the lateral side of forehead or hair thinning at the crown. The hair fall can take place at both the crown as well as the forehead. When these both meet so it leaves a rather horse-shoe shaped ring of hair left on the back of the head. Both genetic and environmental factors play a role in the male pattern baldness.

The most import factor of pattern baldness in males is dihydrotestosterone. It is associated with the male sex hormones called androgens which have many functions including that of regulating hair growth. In human scalps, there are small holes called follicle out of which hair grow. After every three years, a new hair grows out of these follicles and then it falls off and a new one replaces it. In male pattern baldness, these follicles start becoming small so each new hair is thinner than the previous one and it falls off before even growing for three years.

In the end, these follicles become so small that the hair is not even able to grow out of it and this result in baldness. It can spread from within weeks to years and can cause baldness all over the scalp.
However, it is a belief that the hair follicles are a casualty of the battles between the human innovations and human physiology. The very things that were supposed to enhance our lives are dangerous for our health and the products that are being used by the people are the major factors that these hair follicles are shrinking.

Although, another reason can be heredity which is usually pretty harmless but can result from severe causes such as some types of cancers, medicines and other types of diseases. This can cause hair loss at a very high rate amongst men.

On the other hand, those men whose fathers have hair loss have a 2.5 times more chance of possessing pattern baldness. The hair growth of the father is much more important than that of the maternal line. And this baldness begins as early as puberty.

These factors play a major role in the increasing baldness patterns in men and once the baldness begins it is impossible to stop it. However, many medicines have proved to be quite effective in slowing the balding process and the hair transplant surgery does wonders in providing men with new hair.