Friday, September 18, 2015

Major FUE instruments of the hair transplant and their usage

Latest developments in instrument technology and improvements have now made the complicated follicular unit extraction (FUE) a method competitive with the common strip harvesting procedure for getting natural donor hair for the transplantation surgery.

In FUE method, a surgeon removes one particular FU - or follicular unit, at one time, aiming those grafts that appear most possible to increase and produce natural hair in a recipient site. It needs more ability of the surgeon and more charge from the transplant patient compare to the strip harvesting method. The FUE is an advanced and safer method than strip harvesting technique. Here are some FUE instruments, which are used for the FUE technique.

The Manual Punch Tool: The manual punch Tool is a round hollow sharp scalpel with a total diameter of 0.7 to 1.2 millimeter. This tool is the original FUE instrument. The tool’s punch is positioned over the visible part of a follicular unit's hair on the scalp, and pushed downward with normal manual rotation to cut the skin around the follicular unit and properly free it from surrounding hair tissue. The follicular unit is then extracted by the forceps.

The SAFE System: A special three-step manual procedure called The SAFE System. In the first step, it utilizes a sharp round punch to cut the skin around the follicular unit, now in a second step, a special blunt circular punch to release the follicular unit from surrounding tissue and in the last step is extraction.

Powered SafeScribe® Tool: The Powered SafeScribe® Tool is a handheld electronic gadget to remove the follicular units from the donor area with the minimal possibility of damage, and reserve for transplantation. A wide range of different punch sizes and types is easily available in the market. In skilled hands, this tool can decrease the total time of FU extraction procedure sessions, decrease the possibility of scarring, and give a high rate of intact FUs.

RotoCore Tool: This tool automatically rotates over the FUE as it cuts the skin around the follicle. The tool permits the surgeon to pre-set the punch to incise to a selected depth.
The Feller Instrument Tool: The tool combines complicated FUE procedures into a solo instrument to assist the surgeon work faster and more professionally.

NeoGraft Tool: This is a motorized device that gives a rotating sharp punch to cut the follicular unit, and a suction tool that extracts the FUE safely for the hair transplant surgery.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Now hair loss treatments are combined with a proper package of transplants and medications

Most of the people think that when Propecia medication is available on the market, then a hair restoration surgery is important? So the answer is surely yes because Propecia is an FDA-approved healing management course for hair loss but it does have its own limitations. Therefore, Hair transplant surgery is the only verified technique of permanent hair replacement process. That's why the majority of the people turn to surgery after having different hair loss treatments because they didn’t get any offered complete outcomes.

Remember that if you have inherited hair loss problem due to the high level of DHT hormones, so only a hair replacement surgery can't repair that. Consequently, in these types of cases, hair transplant surgeons will suggest that you use Propecia as a collaborator to get the 100% successful hair surgery results.

The reason is that Propecia is actually a DHT inhibitor product. Actually, it is highly effective for blocking the natural DHT hormone that takes part in the sudden premature hair loss problem. Usually, a major decrease in the intensity of hair shedding can be seen in four months. Therefore, don't be amazed if your hair restoration surgeon suggests you take Propecia medicine, but carefully take it because there are some adverse reactions to this medicine, so you should take it after the surgeon’s recommendation.

In addition to this suggestion, your surgeon might advice several supplement additional, and products such as medicated shampoos, follicle spray, medicated hair oil, laser combs, even vitamin supplements to boost the hair transplant results.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Hair transplantation field has gone through several changes in past few years. Various hair transplant clinics and centers have been using a number of methods but FUT and FUE are most widely used hair transplant techniques that include transferring individual follicular units in their genetic form. Follicular Unit Transplantation is considered as traditional hair transplant methods that has now replaced by Follicular Unit Extraction. The basic difference between both procedures lies in extraction method while implanting process is almost same in both type of hair transplantation.  

FUE is advancement in Follicular Unit Transplantation in which hair are extracted from donor area in the form of follicular units. Follicular units are group of three to four hair. A small needle punch is utilized to separate follicular units from the surrounding tissue and creates small circular incision in the skin. The follicular Unit is then extracted directly from scalp which leaves a small open hole. Then, follicular units are placed onto recipient sites.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) involves extraction of strip of hair and tissue from back of the scalp. The, hair transplant surgeons dissect hair bearing strip into individual follicular units. The dissection is done under fiber optic equipped microscopes to prevent the application of heat to the grafts. Then, they are implanted onto bald region where the surgeon has made recipient sites. The suture or staple are used to close the wounds.        

FUE has a number of advantages over FUT hair transplant as it does not result in linear scarring. The healing time is fast. With minimally invasive nature, it produces hundreds of tiny scars in the donor area that are hard to detect. 

FUE hair transplant is the most refined approach to hair transplantation and best for those who want to wear short hairstyle or scalp is too tight or has existing damage. Pain and discomfort in FUE after the surgery is less as compared FUT hair transplant.

FUE can be repeated after one month but FUT cannot because it takes much recovery time. FUE is length and time consuming process and requires experienced and trained hair transplantation surgeons and standardized instruments.   

Monday, March 2, 2015

Hair Transplant in pakistan: What should the patient spend its first night afte...

The first night after hair transplant surgery is the most vital and crucial so, the patient should Avoid touching the newly hair grafts because they could fall out of the tiny and small incisions.
The patient should sleep in a semi-upright position and he should try to sleep with extra 2 pillows to lift up your head. This position is safe for your scalp and you have to sleep in this position the 3 first nights after hair transplant surgery.
Now the surgeon will give you with a spray (hair growth factor) for use at home. Spray the grafted area on the scalp with the lotion every 30 minutes the first night after surgery. Continue spraying the lotion on the newly hair grafts until there is no more spray left.

The patient should avoid all physical efforts like yoga and exercises in the first week after hair transplant surgery: avoid jumping and running, avoid blowing your nose too strongly because it will damage your hair grafts. Please stop sexually activity for one week after the surgery. The patient should avoid going to the swimming pool for at least 12 days after the hair transplant surgery. You will be given an antibiotic cream by your doctor after your surgery.

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